You are here: 53. Introduction to General Ledger Training Manual > 53.3. General Ledger System Setup > 53.3.5. GL Account Master File > Creating GL Accounts > Completing the Account File Update Screen
Completing the Account File Update Screen

The following sections explain what to enter in each field of the Account File Update screen.





Account Number

Enter the unique number you assign to each GL account. If you are using the Micronet standard Chart of Accounts, this is a five digit number, e.g. 41230 (Sales).

Dashes only appear at this option when department prefixes or sub-account suffixes have been set on the MGL General Configuration screen, e.g.:

  • Departments 20-41230 (Sales - NSW)
  • Sub-Accounts 41230-01 (Sales - Materials)
  • Both 20-41230-01 (Sales - NSW (Materials).

For more information on setting account prefixes and sub-account suffixes, see "Edit - General Ledger Config - General Ledger Setup".



Enter the name of the GL account, up to 50 characters long. This description appears on all inquiries and reports.


Account Type

This field determines how an item behaves, i.e.:

  • Can you post transactions to the account?
  • Does it sum and report a total for another account, or is the account simply used for reporting purposes?

Select the account type:

  • Header – A header account refers to a heading, title or caption that prints on a report. Transactions are not posted to these accounts. They are simply stylistic tools to clarify sections appearing within your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports.
  • Active – Active accounts are the foundation upon which a Chart of Accounts is structured. Transactions are posted to these accounts and an accumulated balance can be reported upon. The majority of the chart is comprised of active accounts.
  • Total – A total account is a summation of any number of Active accounts. It simply captures the accumulated balances within the Active accounts and reports them as a grand total. Total Expenses, for example, adds every Active expense account and reports a grand total. Transactions are never posted to these accounts.
  • Non-Posting – These accounts are substitute GL accounts that can be used to report balances according to their nature or outcome. For example, your bank account balance fluctuates; sometimes it is overdrawn and at other times it is in funds. When it is in funds, you want it to appear under the heading of Assets in the Balance Sheet. However, when the bank account is overdrawn, you want it to appear under the heading of Liabilities in the Balance Sheet.

As an example, let's say you have setup your bank account as an Active account and all your transactions are posted to it. For the purposes of this example, this GL account has been classified as an asset. When the bank account is overdrawn, the GL account reports on the Balance Sheet under the heading of Assets and reports as a negative amount.

As another example, a Non-Posting account can be setup for your Bank Overdraft which is classified as a liability GL account. It is linked (paired) to the asset GL account and whenever the balance overdraws, Micronet reports the overdrawn balance to the substitute account (Non-Posting account).

The transactions do not move or change from their original location within the Active GL account. The Non-Posting account is simply there to report a balance when circumstances change and reporting needs to reflect it.

  • Closed – These are redundant Active accounts. While you can delete GL accounts from your Chart of Accounts, Micronet does not allow you to delete an account that still has transactions and a year to date (YTD) balance. Therefore, it retains the postings but disallows any further transactions to be posted against it.

When a GL account is designated redundant (changed to Closed), users cannot apply transactions to it. The GL account is removed or purged from the General Ledger after the YTD and LY balances have reset to zero. This only occurs when a General Ledger archive has been performed.




If an account receives postings via a GL interface, you cannot change it to Closed. When you try to save the change, Micronet displays a message that you need to remove the account from the GL interface first. To close the account, enter a different account on the GL interface (see "Updating a GL Interface Record") and then return to this procedure to close the account.



Account Position

Select the account position for the GL account. This determines the positioning of the account in the Balance Sheet or Profit & Loss report. It also determines the nature of the GL account – that is, whether the account should be a debit or credit balance.

Options are:

  • Bank – Select this position for any accounts that require bank reconciliation. This ensures that the transactions posted against the account appear in the Bank Reconciliation section of the Micronet General Ledger.

There are other circumstances under which Bank could be chosen as the account position on a GL account. You may use credit cards or petty cash to pay for some of your expenses. Shareholders may cover expenses and require reimbursement. If these types of GL accounts are set to Bank, you can pay expenses from them as though they were a bank account.

This is advantageous where supplier invoices are paid in the Micronet Creditors Ledger and payments are transferred to the General Ledger through integration. In the Payment screen in the MCL, Micronet searches for GL accounts with a Bank setting. If you wish to pay a supplier's invoice with a credit card, you cannot do this from the Creditors Ledger if the GL account for the Credit Card does not have a Bank setting.

When you select Bank, you must also complete the Bank Details tab – see "File - GL Accounts - Bank Details".

  • Undeposited Funds – Select this position for any accounts which are selected within the banking software program as a collection point for all payment types set as Manual in the Micronet Distribution System.

When creating Undeposited Funds accounts, you must also complete the Undeposited Funds tab – see "File - GL Accounts - Undeposited Funds".

  • Accounts Receivable – Select this position for the GL account for Trade Debtors. This allows the Micronet Distribution System to identify which GL account balance should correspond with the total of outstanding invoices in its own ledgers.
  • Accounts Payable – Select this position for the GL account for Trade Creditors. This allows the Micronet Creditors Ledger to identify which GL account balance should correspond with the total of outstanding invoices in its own ledgers.
  • Stock On Hand – Select this position for the GL account for Stock on Hand. This allows the Micronet Distribution System to identify which GL account balance should correspond with the total of current inventory on hand.
  • Work in Progress – Select this position for the GL account for Work in Progress. This allows the Micronet Job Costing System to identify which GL account balance should correspond with the total balance of Work in Progress outstanding on jobs.




It is important to setup the correct account positions. These are used by the Micronet General Ledger GL Summary program which calculates, verifies and reports any differences between the General Ledger and the sub-ledgers. This program does not run correctly if the account positions have not been setup correctly.



Total Level

Enter the degree of information or detail you require within your reporting. You can use this to summarise your Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet reports. For example:

Account Description

Type of Level

Advertising - TV


Advertising - Radio


Total Advertising


Profit & Loss report at Total Level 2 would produce all accounts above – that is, levels 1 and 2. Profit & Loss report at Total Level 1 would produce only accounts at level 1 – that is, only Total Advertising.

If you do not wish to use levels in your reporting, set each GL account to 1.


Automatic Account

Automatic accounts are used in MGL transaction posting to automatically post the other side of a journal or transaction. Enter the GL account that is the complementary counterpart, a debit or credit, of the transaction you are entering.

For example, if you were setting up an account for wages, the other side of the transaction might be the bank account. The automatic account would be the GL account number for Cash at Bank.


Indent on Report

If required, enter the number of characters by which you want the description of the GL account indented when it prints on reports.


Output Column

Enter the column number where you want the balance of this GL account placed in a report that displays multiple columns. This option most commonly affects the format of the Balance Sheet report which has three columns.

For example, if you entered the following Output Columns:

Account Description

Output Column

Cash at Bank


Trade Debtors


Stock on Hand


Total Current Assets


Plant & Equipment


Motor Vehicles


Office Furniture


Total Fixed Assets


Total Assets


The Balance Sheet would display as:


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Current Assets




Cash at Bank




Trade Debtors




Stock on Hand




Total Current Assets




Fixed Assets




Plant & Equipment




Motor Vehicles




Office Furniture




Total Fixed Assets




Total Assets




Therefore, you would enter 1 as the Output Column for the GL account Cash at Bank, 2 for the GL account Total Current Assets and 3 for the GL account for Total Assets.



If required, select the position of the underline on reports for this GL account. The options are:

  • None
  • After Single
  • After Double
  • Before Single
  • Before Double.

Header accounts are generally set to After Single. This setting reports the description of the Header Account with an underline. Total accounts are generally set to Before Single. This setting reports the balance of an account with an underline above the amount. Active Accounts are usually set to None. These settings can be customised to report based on your personal formatting preferences.


Page Break Before

Select Yes if you want this GL account to always start on a new page in reports, or No if you don't. The first GL account for a GL department may be set to Yes for Page Break Before. This setting starts the next department’s Profit & Loss report on a new page where a range of departments has been selected to print.


Blank Lines Before

Enter the number of blank lines you want before this GL account when printed on a report.


Blank Lines After

Enter the number of blank lines you want after this GL account when printed on a report.


Add to Account

Enter the number of any account to which the balance of this GL account should be added to or subtracted from in the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports. For example:

GL Account


Account Type

Add to Account


Sales - MDS




Freight Income




Total Sales




Gross Profit




Net Profit



You must enter an Add to Account for every Active GL account, and for most Total GL accounts except:

  • Net Profit: Profit &Loss
  • Net Assets: Balance Sheet
  • Total Equity: Balance Sheet.

These three GL accounts are the final results of the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports. Therefore, an Add to Account is not necessary.

The basic rules applicable to Add to Accounts are:

  • the Total Account must exist before the Add to Account can be added to the GL Account
  • Add to Accounts must be Total Accounts
  • Active accounts must have a valid Total Account
  • Total Accounts do not necessarily require a Total Account.

In the dropdown list next to the Add to Account field, select + if this GL account balance adds to the Total Account entered, or select - if this GL account balance subtracts from the Total Account entered. It is generally recommended that all GL accounts are set to +. Based on the debit and credit nature of GL accounts, Micronet automatically ascertains how these amounts need to be treated. For example:

  • the GL account for Total Income has:
  • an Account Position of Income
  • an Add to Account of 59500 - Gross Profit with a setting of +
  • the GL account for Total Expenses has:
  • an Account Position of Expense
  • an Add to Account of 97000 - Net Profit with a setting of +.

Micronet treats all credit balances as negative amounts. Therefore, it determines that the nature of the GL account Total Income is a credit balance based on the Account Position Income. It determines that the nature of the GL account Total Expenses is a debit balance based upon the Account Position Expense.

If Micronet assumes that credit balances are negative, then it does the following in calculating the Profit & Loss report:

Total Income



Credit Balance

Total Expenses

$ 50,000.00


Debit Balance

Net Profit

($ 50,000.00)


Credit Balance

The Profit & Loss does not actually print the credit balances as negative amounts; it simply treats them as negative amounts when it is calculating balances for reports.


Pair Account

If this GL account has a complementary pair account, enter the number of the pair account.

Pair accounts are accounts with balances that vary from month to month between debit and credit balances, assets and liabilities. You want Micronet to report the balance in the correct accounting classification at any specific point in time.

Pair accounts are described above in the Account Type field with account types of Active and Non Posting. You setup one GL account as an Active account and another as a Non Posting account. You then link them using this field (Pair Account) and Micronet reports them correctly depending on the nature of the balance.

For example:


Cash at Bank

Active Account

Current Asset

Debit Balance


Bank Overdraft

Non Posting Account

Current Liability

Credit Balance

Cash at Bank (10680 Active Account) has a pair account setting of 20680 (non posting account). This setting is only required on the active account. The Pair Account field on the non posting account must be left blank.

All transactions are posted into 10680 Cash at Bank. Micronet identifies the balance in 10680 Cash at Bank and determines whether it is a debit or credit balance when a report is being compiled. When the balance is a credit, it diverts to 20680 Bank Overdraft and prints in the Current Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet.




Pair accounts are a one for one relationship. You should not pair multiple accounts to a single GL account.



Appropriate Account

Enter the appropriate account number, if any, for this GL account.

Appropriate accounts are generally setup when departments, divisions or cost centres are being maintained within MGL. This feature can be used when administration costs need to be allocated across a range of departments from, for example, a head office.


Net Profit

20 = Administration


Admin Expense Allocation

20 = Administration


Admin Expense Allocation

30 = NSW


Admin Expense Allocation

40 = VIC

Total expenses reported in the Administration department for the month are $30,000. Rather than dividing the individual expenses between the departments above manually, Micronet can do this automatically based on the percentage you enter to the right of this field.

In the example above, the Appropriate Account would be 20-91990 for all three Admin Expense Allocation accounts – 20-91000, 30-91000 and 40-91000. The percentages would be as follows:

20-91000 set as -100%

30-91000 set as 50%

40-91000 set as 50%

Micronet identifies the balance in 20-91990 and reports:

  • -100% to 20-9100 (thereby reducing Net Profit to zero)
  • 50% to 30-91000
  • 50% to 40-91000

For the Appropriate Accounts feature to operate correctly, the GL accounts with Appropriation Accounts assigned to them must be setup as Total Accounts. For example:


Admin Expense Allocation

Total Account


Admin Expense Allocation

Total Account


Admin Expense Allocation

Total Account




The Appropriate Account must have an Account Type of Total.



Percentage Account

If you want the balance of this GL account to be calculated and displayed as a percentage of another account, enter the Percentage Account number. The Percentage Account must be a Total Account.

For example, you could have a Salaries and Wages account with another account – Total Sales – as the percentage account.

GL Account


Percentage Account



Salaries and Wages


Total Sales

In this example, the balance of Salaries and Wages for the month is $10,000.

The balance of Total Sales is $100,000.

The Profit & Loss report calculates Salaries and Wages as a percentage of Total Sales. This percentage of 10% prints next to the balance of Salaries and Wages on this report.



Technical Tip

You must add the percentage field to the Profit & Loss report for these amounts to appear – see "Reports - Report Generator".



Budget Matrix

The budget matrix is a method of retaining multiple budgets within the one ledger. These budgets are stored individually within Micronet and can be linked to individual GL accounts. Each matrix has a unique identification number – a code – that distinguishes it from budgets with different or alternative settings.

If you have setup a budget matrix to apply to this GL account, enter the budget matrix code.

For more information on budget matrixes, see "File - Budget".



If you have setup different classes for your accounts – e.g. one class for fixed expenses and another for variable expenses – enter the ID of the class this GL account belongs to.

For example, GL accounts could be classified as either Fixed or Variable Expenses or as Selling, Operational and Financial. Reports can be written to complement your class structures.


BAS Section

This setting relates directly to the Business Activity Statement report in Micronet. It classifies transactions posted to the GL account based on the GST nature of those transactions.

Select how you want the transactions posted to this GL account included in the Business Activity Statement report. Options are:

  • No BAS
  • Sales Account (G1)
  • GST Collected (G1)
  • Sales to Exports (G2)
  • Sales of GST Free (G3)
  • Input Taxed Sales (G4)
  • Sales Adjustments (G7)
  • Capital Acquisitions (G10)
  • Other Acquisitions (G11)
  • GST Paid on Other Acquisitions
  • GST Paid on Capital Acquisitions
  • Acquisitions Input Taxed (G13)
  • Acquisitions with no GST (G14)
  • Estimated Private Use (G15)
  • Acquisitions Adjustments (G18)
  • Total Salaries, Wages, Payments (W1)
  • Withheld from Salary (W2)
  • Withheld from Investments (W3)
  • Withheld from Payments (W4)
  • Wine Equalisation Tax Payable (1C)
  • Luxury Car Tax Payable (1E)
  • Wine Equalisation Refundable (1D)
  • Luxury Car Tax Refundable (1F)
  • Credit for Wholesale Sales Tax (1G)
  • Income Tax Instalment (5A)
  • Fringe Benefits Tax Instalment (6A)
  • Deferred Company Instalment (7)
  • Credit for Tax Instalments (5B)
  • Credit for Prior FBT (6B)
  • Deferred GST Liability (7A)
  • Fuel Tax Credit (7D)

When users enter transactions in Micronet, the BAS section setting on the GL account defaults when an account has been chosen to classify the transaction. This default can be changed during data entry.

In the case of integrated amounts being transferred to General Ledger from other Micronet ledgers, Micronet identifies the BAS Section set to each GL account and tags the transactions with the appropriate BAS Section setting. This default cannot be changed for integrated amounts. This ensures that the Business Activity Statement includes all transactions generated system-wide.


Allow GL Postings

Select Yes if you want users to be able to post transactions to this account, or No if you want to prevent users from posting transactions to this account.


Print on Financial Reports

Select when you want transactions for this account printed on General Ledger financial reports. Options are:

  • Always Print – print this account on financial reports whether or not transactions exist in the current financial year
  • When Transactions this FY – only print this account if transactions exist in the current financial year, or if there is a balance (excludes accounts with no movement from financial reports), or if there is a budget set for the account.


Alternate Account

An Alternate Account is an alternative GL account number for searching or locating GL accounts in a list. This option can be used where a Chart of Accounts has been changed from one accounting computer system to another. You can enter the former GL account number in this field so that users can search on that number to locate GL accounts in a list. You can enter both alpha and numeric characters.

Alternatively, it can be used to record your external accountant’s corresponding account number, proving a mapping for when the GL Trial Balance is printed and provided to your accountant at the end of the year.


T3, T4, T5 Compulsory

If T Accounts have been activated to categorise transactions for reporting, T1 and T2 are always compulsory which means that every transaction entered into Micronet needs to have both T1 and T2 categories applied during data entry. For T3, T4 and T5, you can define whether or not the category is compulsory. The options are:

  • No – the T Account category is not a compulsory field at data entry
  • Yes – the T Account category is a compulsory field at data entry
  • Non Postable – the T Account category is redundant.

When a T Account is set as Non Postable, users cannot apply transactions to it. The T Account is removed or purged from the General Ledger where transactions have completely ceased within the previous 12 month period and a General Ledger archive has been performed.

For more information about T Accounts, see "T Accounts" and to "File - T Accounts".